Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Speach Global Warming

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah Swt. Who has given us health and happiness today, because of his bless, we can be here together. Shalawat and greeting are dedicated to our prophet Muhammad Saw. And his followers in erecting the bright religion that’s Islam.

Excellency to the teachers who always guide and give me much supports ....
To honourable juries who give me a chance to stand on this stage ....
Respectfully to the audience and my friends who attend in this hall ....
My beloved friends ...
The impact of the Global warming made many changings in our climates, according to the agreement 12 years ago in Kyoto  Japan developing countries were comitted to play an active role to combat climate change. Indonesia led the charge as the first developing nations to announce a commitment to cut emmissions by 26 percent by 2020 from 2005 levels. And also, our country first gained for its strong commitment to halting Global warming when it hosted the UN summit in Bali in 2007.
          Although.... we have been trying hard to stop the destructions but we are still hearing the sounds of destruction happen in our beloved countries everyday. One of the worst tragedy recently is Merapi explosion which impacts thousands of the citizens around the area are being the refugees. We are very sympathy of it which is not ending yet.
My beloved brother and sisters ....
          if we want to contemplate the tragedies we would get conclusion that actually the impacts of the Global warming are the humans their selves. We do not keep the heritage of our founding fathers well, on the contrary we usually absorb the natural resuorces too much and we do not care  to exchange  with the renewable recources on sustaining energy.
          That’s why we have to create  big ideas for this small world and trying to be the green generations for our beloved nations.

My beloved friends as the green generation,
          If the foreign countries said that our islands are the pieces of paradise . Let’s make these come true forever. We proved that our island free of pollution, keep the nature well  and committed in actions for renewable on sustaining energy for the next generations.
          We are living in freedom because we want...
          We are living in unite because we want ...
          And we can make our wolrd green if we want ...
My beloved green generation ...
          In the end, I apologize if I have made mistakes, I wish that we could be the green generation on sustaining energy for our beloved world in the future. Thank you so much for your attention,
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.